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Hypertension and Diabetes



There is an alarming rise in patients suffering from hypertension and Type 2 diabetes all over the world.


Sedentary lifestyle, lot of mental stress and junk food are some of the factors for the rise in number of patients suffering from high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes.


The anxiety worries could be as simple as hurrying to reach your office on time or more difficult situations in life such as financial stress, illness of a loved one or any other mental trauma.

Homeopathic philosophy gives lot of importance to mind. When mind is disturbed physical ailments like hypertension, diabetes or skin diseases arise.


My observation in 25 years of Homeopathic practice shows that patients suffering from life style disorders like hypertension, diabetes or skin diseases like psoriasis or lichen planus have experienced lot of mental stress before being diagnosed with these ailments

role of homeopathy

Homeopathic medicines are safe and do not have side effects.Homeopathic treatment should be started as soon as hypertension or type 2 diabetes is detected. If the patient is taking hypoglycemic drugs or medicines for hypertension, he can safely take homeopathic medicines along with his regular dose of allopathic medicines. 


Homeopathy helps in management of hypertension and diabetes. Homeopathic medicines act on mental level also. Hence,the homeopathic doctor spends around forty five minutes to one hour with the patient during his first visit,noting down the physical ailments as well mental symptoms of the patient.

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 A corporate wellness program conducted by me showed that labourers who did lot of physical work hardly suffered from high blood pressure or diabetes whereas top level executives with sedentary life style suffered from hypertension and diabetes.Once high blood pressure or diabetes is diagnosed patient starts taking medicines but it is also necessary to make changes in your lifestyle.Balanced diet, exercise should not be ignored. Patient should exercise for one hour atleast for five days in a week. There are certain patients whose blood sugar remains high inspite of taking medicines. This may lead to damage of important organs like kidney, liver. In such patients it is advisable that the patient should follow a balanced diet, perform Yoga regularly. It is observed that if the patients follow balanced diet,take their medicines regularly, perform Yoga, do physical exercises, they will be able to lead a healthy and happy life.Patients will not suffer from complications of hypertension and diabetes.Diet plays a important role in treating lifestyle disorders. Patient should consume salads everyday. Fruits are not harmful.Patients should have atleast one fruit a day . A balanced diet with carbohydrates, fats, proteins and minerals is recommended. While planning a diet chart the doctor or the dietician should keep in mind the likes and dislikes in food of the patient and plan the diet chart accordingly so that the patient happily follows the diet plan.

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