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Weight Loss

  • Losing excess weight can be beneficial as it helps in controlling blood sugar levels.

  • It helps to reduce knee pain pain in heels or leg pain. It keeps you mentally happy and active.

  • Sometimes there is weight gain due to medical conditions such as hormonal disorders etc. Such conditions are to be evaluated and treated accordingly by homeopathic medicines.

  • Constitutional remedies in Homeopathy help the patient without any side effects. They act on mental level, thus reducing the stress, as some people eat to relieve stress. It is the safest way to lose weight.

  • At Shri Raghavendra Clinic diet will be planned by taking into consideration your working hours, your liking for a particular food and also your dislikes so that you are able to maintain the healthy desired weight.

  • Advice on Yoga and exercise will be given considering the patients medical history, his lifestyle and age.

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  Do not make drastic change in your diet. Make a list of the food you like. Choose from that list which is of low calorie.

Avoid eating junk food as it contains a lot of oil which is

re heated.

Do not eat food especially while watching T.V or chatting with your friends or when you are discussing something serious. You will not know how much you have consumed. Eat smaller portions.

 Avoid junk food, avoid sugar in large quantity. Avoid artificial fruit juices,jam,butter,oily food,potatoes,cheese,burgers, French fries,cakes,biscuits, pastries,ice creams,cold drinks, excess non veg food.


Some people eat to overcome sadness, stress or when they are thinking about how to overcome some complex situations in life. Try meditation, yoga and avoid eating to relax yourself.

Do not just think about how to lose weight or just read about it but start performing physical exercises

Plan your meals. Eat low calorie food.

Healthy Morning
Yoga Pose
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